2014 Member of the Month

2014 Member of the Month
by smartguys


In 2009 one of Dr. Çelik’s colleagues forwarded the Society’s Call For Papers email for the 2009 Boston Conference. He checked the list of invited speakers and came across the names of …read more>>


BACK in 1995 Nicholas Apergis was attending his very first International Atlantic Economic Conference in Williamsburg, VA. He struck up a very fruitful conversation with the late John Virgo…
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PLYMOUTH, MA…October 1992, a young Paul Hettler attended his first IAES meeting to present his bachelor’s thesis paper. It was a great experience and…

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PICTURED: Group of conference participants in front of Madrid Stock Exchange. Thank you to all of our members who attended the Madrid conference…. you are all our Members of the Month!


IN 1998 at a conference honoring Gordon Tullock in Tucson, Arizona Gordon Brady met John and Kathy Virgo. At the time, Gordon was familiar with the…

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As guest editor of the June 2014 Atlantic Economic Journal special issue dedicated to Austrian Economics, Professor Neck is the perfect choice for our June Member of the Month…read more>>


At an IAES Executive Committee meeting during the fall of 2004, members discussed the topic of attracting undergraduate students to the economics profession. After some discussion, there was an agreement that a competition featuring undergraduate authored papers could be promising…read more>>


At the 34th International Atlantic Economic Society Conference in Plymouth, Massachusetts Nobel Prize winner,William Vickrey, sat in the audience as Jannett Highfill and co-author Bill Weber…read more>>


Q: What do you find most enjoyable about your International Atlantic Economic Society Membership?

A: I enjoy helping organize sessions at conferences. With the encouragement of Charlie Calomiris, Christine Cumming of the New York Fed and I are putting together four sessions on “The Future of Large Financial Institutions” for the Savannah meetings. read more>>

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PICTURED: Group of conference participants attending John J. Wallis’ Distinguished Address. Thank you to all of our members who attended the Savannah conference…. you are all our Members of the Month


Q: What advice would you give to someone who is considering entering your line of work/field of study?

A:First, choose work for your career that is something you love. Every career has its ups and downs; doing something you love is the best buffer for the tough times. Second, really explore what’s available in the public sector… 

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