Abstract Submission Information: 2024 North American Conference

Abstract Submission Information: 2024 North American Conference
by Joshua
Abstracts must be between 250 and 400 words and include the following:


  • Objectives
  • Background
  • Data/Methods (Including data sources and specific statistical tests performed.)
  • Results/Expected Results
  • Policy Implications


There are 7 steps to a complete submission:


  • JEL Category
  • Alternative JEL Category (In case your first choice is not available.)
  • Title of Paper
  • Author Information
  • Submission Fee Payment
  • Abstract Text
  • Confirmation
  • Papers previously published or those scheduled for publication prior to the conference are ineligible.
  • No author names, contact information, JELs, references and/or paper titles should be included in the abstract text.
  • Once you have submitted the title of your presentation you will automatically receive an email that includes a password-protected hyperlink.
  • If you must interrupt the  abstract submission process before finishing it, you can resume at any time by clicking on the hyperlink in that email.
  Member Non-Member
Until 15 June $90.00 $140.00
After 15 June $105.00 $155.00

  • The abstract submission fee does not include conference registration.
  • All conference attendees are responsible for paying the conference registration fee. Click HERE for additional information regarding membership benefits.
  • Submission fees will be collected via the online abstract submission form and are payable with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.
  • Submission fees will be waived for PhD students or Post-Doctoral Fellows upon receipt of proof of student or fellow status (photo of your student ID sent to iaes@iaes.org). Ph.D. students and Post-Doctoral Fellows will still be responsible for paying the registration fee if their abstract is accepted for presentation. Ph.D. students and post-Doctoral Fellows must also provide proof that their school would indeed fund their registration and travel if their abstract is accepted for presentation.
  • To avoid a bank collection charge, all checks should be drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. dollars.
  • Submission fees are not refundable. Payment can be made by wire transfer for an additional fee. Please contact iaes@iaes.org for invoice and bank information. All fees are listed in U.S. Dollars.


Abstract Submission Coming Soon!