Anthology Style Instructions

Anthology Style Instructions
by smartguys

Click Here for AEJ Anthology Submission Checklist

The Atlantic Economic Journal was established to facilitate increased communication and the sharing of constructive viewpoints among economists. In addition to formal publication of full-length articles, other avenues of less formal communication should be available. A small point may not be worthy of a formal paper but is important enough to warrant dissemination to colleagues. Research in progress may be of interest to other economists, particularly research with interesting and unusual results identified early in the study that would make a solid contribution to the literature. A research approach producing negative results should be shared to save others from similar pitfalls.

Anthologies provide a means by which short manuscripts can quickly appear in the AEJ and are similar to a brief communication.

Every attempt is made to complete the review process within one month after receipt of the manuscript. Manuscripts not meeting the guidelines listed below will be rejected without review.


Submit your Anthology in electronic form to and follow the instructions.

1. Total length of the double-spaced Word document must not exceed 800 words. PDF is not acceptable.
2. If equations are used, the number of words should be reduced accordingly. Each line of an equation is equivalent to 60 words.
3. Briefly state why the research was undertaken, what the anthology adds to the literature, the methodology and the results.
4. The title is not to exceed 10 words.
5. The body of the manuscript must not contain diagrams or tables.
6. References to previously published works should appear in parentheses and within the body of the text. Include the author(s) name, name of the journal or book and year of publication, like so: (Author last name(s), Journal, Year). Do not include a reference list at the end of the anthology.
7. No footnotes will be accepted.
8. An Online Supplemental Appendix is permitted to include tables or figures that may be useful to readers. The content of this appendix must be cited in the Anthology.

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