Research Note Style Instructions

Research Note Style Instructions
by smartguys

Click Here for IAER Research Note Submission Checklist

International Advances in Economic Research was established on the premise that there is a substantial need to increase communication and share constructive viewpoints among economists. In addition to formal publication of full-length articles, other avenues of less formal communication should be available. A small point may not be worthy of a formal paper but is important enough to warrant dissemination to colleagues. Research in progress may be of interest to other economists. A research approach ending in negative results needs to be shared to save others from similar pitfalls.

The Research Note was established to facilitate this form of communication. They provide a means by which short manuscripts can quickly appear in IAER. Every attempt will be made to complete the review process within one month after receipt of the Research Note.


Submit your Research Note as a Microsoft Word file to and follow the instructions. Your Research Note must be double-spaced with font-size 12 pt and 1-inch margins. The total length of the text must be between 700 and 800 words at initial submission.

Research notes are not permitted to have an abstract. The note should begin with the title of the paper followed by the JELs.  Give a clear idea of the note’s contribution to the literature in the opening sentence.

Only use the term “significant” in the text if you mean statistically significant.  Include the p value in parenthesis. 

Tables and figures not central to understanding the note should be saved in a separate file labelled as the Online Supplemental Appendix (OSA).  Each OSA table and figures must be cited in the note (OSA Table 1, OSA Figure 1, etc.)  Each table or figure should list the data sources and data years in the notes to the table or figure.

Both the vertical and the horizontal axis of all figures should be titled.  For example, Years on the horizontal axis and Gross Domestic Product on the vertical axis.

References to previously published works should appear in parentheses and within the body of the text. Include the author(s) name, name of the journal or book, and year of publication, like so: (Author last name(s), Journal, Year). Do not include a reference list at the end of the Research Note.  Data sources should be cited like, for example:  World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2022, URL).

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