
by smartguys

The International Atlantic Economic Society was organized in 1973 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit membership organization. Members include economists and financial experts from academe, government, and the private sector. The Society’s purpose is to provide an educational and scientific forum for the global community of economists and others in related disciplines. By offering a variety of venues for communication, the opportunity is enhanced for the exchange of scholarly ideas and scientific research worldwide. Members are welcomed from all areas of educational and scientific specialization without regard to methodological or political preferences.


The IAES mission is to facilitate communication among economists and finance specialists by promoting the field of economics globally; and to foster the intellectual development of professional economists and others interested in economics by sponsoring and publishing articles for international dissemination.


Founded in 1973, the International Atlantic Economic Society identified a need for increased communication among economists across continents. Well-known economists from around the world have participated in the IAES global exchange, including Nobel laureates and leading government officials. In fact, several IAES Presidents have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. Perfect freedom to pursue economic research and discussion is encouraged to stimulate the cross-fertilization of ideas among educators and researchers. Through its publications and conferences, the Society promotes the dissemination of economic and financial research within the international community.

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